The 55th Moscow International Dental Exhibition Dental Salon 2024 in Crocus Expo Center is successfully completed

The 55th Moscow International Dental Exhibition Dental Salon 2024 took place in the Moscow exhibition center "Crocus Expo" from April 22nd to 25th. The event gathered leading experts and representatives of the dental industry.

PROTECO Group presented its latest achievements in the field of dentistry. The company demonstrated a wide range of products and innovative solutions. Within the framework of the exhibition, training events from invited lecturers were held. Participants could immerse themselves in the world of the latest technologies and techniques of dental practice. The topics covered a wide range of clinical cases, including working with dental defects, splinting, aesthetic restorations, tooth restoration, basics of endodontic treatment, adhesive protocols and much more.

The exhibitors were delighted with the exchange of experience and knowledge they gained at Dental Salon 2024.